But before I go any further…
Thank you to the sponsor who supported this long journey!

I’m able to give this course away for free because Aura supports me as a creator.


Before I was sponsored by Aura, I was an Aura customer. Why? Because they have the best suite of personal cybersecurity tools, period. I manage a ton of passwords, and I couldn’t do it without Aura. Secondly, I need something that will monitor my credit, look for transactions that seem fraudulent, keeping my information off massive spam directories, adding parental controls… and it even comes with a VPN.

If you’re going to become an engineer and developer, you need your first line of defense to be solid, and that’s what Aura does.

Personal plans start at $12 a month, or you can over your whole family for $20 a month.

Use the link above (or button below) and you’ll get a 14 day free trial for Aura. It’s simple to set up, and once you have it, you’ll wonder why you didn’t have this before. I consider it an essential personal expense, like a cell phone or an electric bill. It’s just something you need in an “everything connected” age.

Try Aura Risk Free for 14 days

Legal Disclaimer: Aura is not responsible for any of the content in the course, and they are not directly endorsing anything here. They probably don’t love my use of foul language, and they definitely don’t hold an intellectual property in the course. They’re just a good company that has a great security suite, which dovetails nicely with your journey to become a developer and engineer.

What’s up? I’m Shane Morris, and I’m an artificial intelligence, machine learning, and big data engineer.

One of the most common questions I get when I’m talking about my career (especially on TikTok) is how I got here. After all, wasn’t I supposed to be managing bands or rappers… or something like that?

The reality is that I started learning to code decades ago, and I have simply continued building onto my skills. So yeah, I was able to work in music and entertainment, but I have also worked with some of the biggest companies in the world, along with the federal government.


What makes my data engineering and analytics curriculum different than what you might find elsewhere on the internet?

Corporate Sellout Stock Photo

Oh wait no shit… fuck, that’s me.

I’m making this entire curriculum… (drumroll sounds)
payment optional.

I’m not trying to get rich doing this**.

I’m also running not a coding bootcamp where I walk you through every line of code for $15,000.

This is a curriculum and path of learning for everything you need to know to be employable. It’s good if you’re the type of person who is highly self-motivated, and you can learn independently.

So here’s the deal:

You can pay $69 (nice) for a shirt, or you can pay $0.

I know that sometimes you want to change your life, but you don’t have the money to even get started. That’s why I’m not putting any extra barriers in your way.

If you can afford to pay me, that’s awesome, and I appreciate you respecting the work I put into this. But if you can’t afford to pay me, I totally get it. My only request is that you tell your friends and family about this course.

** Not up front, at least. My long game is getting you up to speed on data engineering, so you can become employable. When you get through the curriculum to the capstone project, I have friends who will pay me a headhunter fee to hire you.

I get paid actual money for a headhunting fee when you get hired. It’s mutually beneficial.

You’re paying me for a guide, and nothing else.

Some of the courses I’m recommending on Udemy do cost money, but over the next (roughly) 180 days, between the Udemy courses and YouTube videos, you’ll still be spending less than $200, total.

You’ll notice that there are no affiliate links.

I’m not being paid to promote any course here. If I’m telling you to take a course, I want you to know that I’m telling you to take it because it’s something you need. I’m not telling you to take “extra courses” because I literally make no money from any of the links I’m sending.

You can choose to pay $69 (nice) or you can pay nothing. It’s up to you.

Why this payment model? Because I like trust-based systems. I think if you have the money, and you appreciate the work I put into this, you’ll pay.

I also believe that if you download it all for free, and it changes your life, you’ll probably tell people about it. They’ll ask you, “Hey, where did you learn to code? How did you pick this up so quickly?”

Then you’ll say, “This extremely handsome dude named Shane Morris offers a course called Internet Menace. I just downloaded the entire curriculum and took off.”

What’s in the curriculum?

“So if I finish this course, I’ll be able to swag as hard as you?”

No. This level of swag took decades to cultivate. This is about your career. You could never touch my swag.

Did I mention I’m offering absolutely free interview coaching?

At the end of the course, you’ll have two capstone projects. These are what you’re going to show your potential employers. 99 times out of 100, the person interviewing you will want to do a code review, ask questions, and know that you can actually perform the job.

So that’s why I’m offering interview coaching.

Chances are, you’ve never done a tech interview. Alternatively, maybe you have, and you just suck at it? I have no idea. Either way, nailing the interview is important, and as someone who interviews a lot of people, I can tell you the difference between a great interview and a merely average one. Don’t be average. Stand out.

“Shane, I don’t get it? Why would you offer free interview coaching? What’s in it for you?”

You’re right. It’s not some purely altruistic thing I’m doing here. I want you to interview well, because I want to help you get a job. If you finish my course, I want to help you get placed.

Why? Because I get a headhunting fee if I find you a job. People literally pay me to find them quality data engineers and analysts, and if I can help them find the right people, they pay me money. That’s why I want you to interview well.


Who is this for? How can I be the most successful at this?

Let me make this one million percent clear: This is a curriculum, not a complete lesson plan where I am walking you through every single line of code.

This is for people who need a roadmap, because they don’t know which way to get started. It’s meant to build one skill on top of another until you’re functional. The courses and videos I’m providing are all wonderful, but it’s for people who can teach themselves, and have good self-discipline.

I highly recommend a buddy system, or even a small group, so you can hold each other accountable.

One of the main reasons a code bootcamp works well is the social structure. When you’re all learning together, if one person gets stuck, someone else can step in and show them how it works. So maybe if you decides to buy the guide (or get it for free), you’ll share it with a friend, and agree to learn together?

That would be wonderful. I want to see you become successful.

Why aren’t you just teaching a course yourself?

I have a day job, and I don’t have the time to generate all the courses myself.

A really good course might take HUNDREDS of hours to create. I have seen them on Udemy, and I know how much time goes into them.

Secondly… I think a lot of the courses in this curriculum are wonderful, and I’m not even sure I could make something better. So I’m not even going to try.

That would also cost a ton of money for my students. Even if I was trying to offer a discounted rate. I’d have to charge you at least half of what some of these bootcamps do. (Probably around $5,000, per student.)

So let’s say I wanted to quit my job and teach full time. That would be crazy levels of risky, and also expensive. I think that learning Python and SQL can be done at a self-paced level, because it’s literally how I did it. I never took a single college course on Python, SQL, data engineering, analytics, etc. I was all picked up by watching videos, reading documentation, using my Google Fu, etc.

“I need something else.”

Of course you do.

Fill out the contact form and I’ll get to you when I can.